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Kesatuan Bangsa School Got 7 Medals in OSN 2019

The Olympiad Science National (OSN) 2019 was held in Manado, North Sulawesi.

Kesatuan Bangsa Schools sent 7 Olympiad students and all of them got medals.

The name of Medalists

1. Billie Hartanto (Silver Medal - Mathematics)

2. Daud Muhammad Azhari (Silver Medal - Physics)

3. Glady Sajidah Zahra (Silver Medal - Earth Science)

4. Aisyah Aurelia Aziz (Bronze Medal - Economics)

5. Tahta Aulia Kusuma Arifin (Bronze Medal - Mathematics)

6. Ryan Andri Wijaya (Bronze Medal - Geography)

7. Mhammad Alsamtu Tita S.P.S (Bronze Medal- Geography).

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